Cuban born, Aida immigrated to the US in 1968 at the age of three. She grew up in Elizabeth, NJ, where her family settled. From a young age, Aida loved to draw and began to paint as an undergraduate while attending Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts. She flourished in the art school environment and was considered a true "painter's painter" by her peers, receiving a BFA degree in 1990.

Throughout her career, Aida’s work has been exhibited in numerous regional, national and international juried shows throughout the US and Tri-State area of NY, NJ and PA. She was recently selected for and exhibited at a juried National Works on Paper 2024 exhibition held at Long Beach Island Foundation of Art and Science, as well as the 47th International Watermedia Exhibition at WASH-H in Houston, Texas, where she received a Merit Award. Aida has given workshops and demos for the Garden State Watercolor Society and Warren County Arts, NJ, and has taught classes and given workshops at AOY Art Center, in Yardley, PA.  Aida paints in her home garage studio in High Bridge, NJ, where she has lived with her husband since 1997, having raised two daughters.

Artist Statement
I create works on paper, on canvas pad, masonite and cradleboard. The mediums I use are watercolor, INK, gouache and acrylic. Much of my inspiration came about through meditation and spiritual connections to the sounds of wildlife and water found at the South Branch of the Raritan River which flows beside walking trails of Hunterdon County, NJ.

I see color and hear music simultaneously. Composers/musicians experience variations of instrumental voices while playing and writing music. Some visual artists hear and see music by painting color harmonies. When color and music are experienced simultaneously, it is called synesthesia.